Food Tips:

To save money, buy seasonal vegetables and fruits in volume.


Health Corner

These are some of the healthy Filipino foods.
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No matter how successful you are, if you are not healthy then your millions is  a waste. Recipes are available in the
bookstores. I like South Beach Diet. For body cleansing, use herbal medicine for a week to detoxify. This is the same as exfoliating for the skin.

Here are some guidelines for healthy living:
  • Prepare for your future by planning. Make a blueprint of your life.
  • Associate with positive people.
  • Eat a balance and nutritious food.
  • Exercise at least three times a week.
  • Be happy even if you have a lot of problems.
  • Take life as it is.
  • Appreciate small things in life.
  • Balance your physical, spiritual, mental, social life.
  • Pray to God.
  • Live life to the fullest and be healthy.
  • Read books and extent your horizon.
  • Share your blessings to others.
  • Always think positive.
  • There are things which we have no control. Accept it. Don't break easily.
  • Drink a lot of liquid (at least 8 glass of water a day).
Major cause of death in our country today, aside from accident is heart related diseases like high blood pressure. Be aware that fatty foods like pork and other red meat are bad to our health. Too much of these elements to your food is bad to your health:
  1. fat from meat (cholesterol)
  2. salt
  3. sugar
  4. carbohydrates like rice and pasta, cakes and etc should be eaten in moderate to lost weight.
To stay thin minimize all those foods but be sure that you still eat a well balance diet. Better eat  food with less fats. Fish is okay with vegetables and a cup of rice. Eat only pork once a week if you could not resist it. Eat  only  in the restaurant  once in a while. Not only you watch your diet, you also save money. Vices like wine and cigarette should be avoided, they will also cause you a lot of money. Eat more fruits and vegetables and foods with a lot of fiber. Avoid junk foods.
Exercise by doing what you enjoy like brisk walking, engage in playing games like tennis, basketball, volleyball or badminton. I enjoy walking than playing games. It's up to you. Mountain climbing is challenging but I rather want to see Mt. Everest on TV. It is hard to challenge nature because eventually nature will win.
There are many ways to prepare nutritious and delicious meals. I would suggest that in every menu you just avoid fatty, salty and sweet foods.

They just need to be prepared in a fabulous and beautiful setting or place, must be delicious and must be nutritious.

Don't you know that a lot of OFW died because of high blood pressure and heart related diseases. This due to fact that a lot of us eat so much fatty foods and lack of exercises.
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Health  Advice:
1. Steam sausage in the pan
with water instead of frying.

Chill the boiled beef or
meat, then remove the fats.

3. Remove bones from the
left over fish then cook it
with fresh vegetables.

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